Macarthur (postcode 2904) is a suburb in the Canberra district of Tuggeranong. The suburb is named after John Macarthur, one of the founders of Australia's Merino wool industry. It was gazetted on 22 March 1982 and first settled in 1983. The wool industry is the theme for street names. The suburb has an area of 1.27 km. It is next to the suburbs of Fadden and Gilmore, and is located north of Isabella Drive.
There were 1,405 people living in Macarthur on 2021 census. The median age of people in Macarthur was 39 years, compared to a median age of 35 for the ACT. The median weekly individual income for Macarthur in 2021 was $1,334, compared to the ACT average of $1,203, while the median weekly household income was $3,037. In 2021, the median monthly housing loan repayment in Macarthur was $2,200.
The residents of Macarthur are predominantly Australian born, with 82.6% being born in Australia. The three main countries of birth for those born overseas were England, 4.5%, India, 1.7% and South Africa, 0.9. The most popular religious affiliations in descending order are no religion, Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox.
History info courtesy of WikipediaLevel 9, 2 Phillip Law Street, Canberra, ACT, 2601
Phone: (02) 6147 2277