Dunlop is a suburb of the Belconnen district of Canberra, located within the Australian Capital Territory, Australia. Dunlop is at the far north-west edge of Canberra, near the border with the state of New South Wales. Approximately 11.6 kilometres (7.2 mi) north-west of the city, Dunlop is next to the suburbs of Fraser, Charnwood and Macgregor. At the edge and within Dunlop lies the Canberra Nature Park called Dunlop Grasslands Nature Reserve, West Belconnen Ponds, Jarramlee Pond and Fassifern Pond which are part of the Ginninderra Catchment.
Dunlop is named after Lieutenant Colonel Sir Ernest Edward "Weary" Dunlop, an Australian surgeon who was renowned for his leadership while being held prisoner of war by the Japanese during the Second World War. Streets in Dunlop are named after inventors, inventions and artists.
At the 2016 census, there were 7,197 persons usually resident in Dunlop (Suburb): 49.1% were males and 50.9% were females. Of the total population in Dunlop (Suburb) 2.3% were Indigenous persons, compared with 2.8% Indigenous persons in Australia.
The Census showed 25.7% of the population usually resident in Dunlop (Suburb) were children aged between 0–14 years, and 15.9% were persons aged 55 years and over. The median age of persons in Dunlop (Suburb) was 33 years, compared with 38 years for persons in Australia.
The 2016 Census showed that 76.3% of persons usually resident in Dunlop stated they were born in Australia. Other common responses within Dunlop (Suburb) were: England 2.2%, India 1.9%, Philippines 1.0%, China 1.0% and New Zealand 0.9%.
At the 2016 Census 77.9% of people spoke only English at home. Other languages spoken at home included Mandarin at 1.5%.
In the 2016 Census, the most common responses for religious affiliation for persons usually resident in Dunlop (Suburb) were No Religion 32.3%, Catholic 26.2%, Anglican 12.3%, Not stated 6.9% and Islam 2.8%.
History info courtesy of WikipediaLevel 9, 2 Phillip Law Street, Canberra, ACT, 2601
Phone: (02) 6147 2277